General Conditions ¨S.I.¨ 2022.
For the purpose of these General Conditions, they will be contained in www.thestarsinstitute.com, which will include information on the Programs offered by ¨S.I.¨, including destinations, duration and calendar, accommodation characteristics and in general, all necessary information and characteristics of the different Programs. The information contained is binding for ¨S.I.¨ unless any of the following circumstances occur:
- That the changes in said information have been communicated in writing to the contracting party before the date of execution of the contract, and this possibility has been expressly mentioned in the Prospectus.
- That expressly agreed modifications occur subsequently, and, in writing, between the contracting parties.
- That a case of force majeure occurs in which case ¨S.I.¨ reserves the right to suspend the trip until a new date.
Company name: The Future Stars Institute (¨SI¨). Emilio Cristobal Rubio; Burriana Street, 27 - 28042 Madrid. CIF 02611134J
These General Conditions are subject to whatever results from the application of the R.D.L. 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Contracting Parties and Users, Law 7/1998, of April 13, on the General Contracting Conditions, and the Code Civil. These general conditions will be incorporated, signed by the contracting parties, to all ¨S.I.¨ Program contracts, whose purpose is the Programs contained on the web and bind the parties, along with the particular conditions agreed in the contract. , and those that could be established for each program.
To enroll in the chosen program, you must request the registration form from ¨S.I.¨, fill it in, sign it, and send it to our offices along with a passport-size photograph. It is recommended that registration be done at least one month before the course start date, except in programs that have a different deadline. There are some programs with different requirements or forms that must be added to the above general for the participant to complete and sign.
¨S.I.¨ charges €600 in all its programs for management unless another figure is indicated in the particular conditions of the specific program. This amount is included in the price of the program.
The payment of this amount is considered made as payment on account of the initial processing costs, and must be made by bank transfer to the designated account.
This amount, delivered on account, will be deducted from the total price of the program. No application for enrollment in a Program will be processed that is not accompanied by proof of having paid the reservation payment.
If applicable, the rest of the price of the contracted Program must be paid to ¨S.I.¨ one month before the participant's departure. Enrollment in one of our programs implies full acceptance of our General and Particular Conditions.
Prices are subject to possible variations, both upwards and downwards, as a result of currency fluctuations and applicable taxes according to the general conditions of the brochure for the current year. Outside the Euro Zone, the cost of the programs is calculated on the official price of the Bank of Spain. Price variations, for this reason, will be notified to the contracting party, in writing, and the latter may, when its variation is greater than 8% of the total price of the program, withdraw from its participation or accept the modification. In no case will the price of the Program be revised upwards in the twenty days prior to the start date of the Program with respect to registrations already made.
In the event that a contracting party decides to cancel the contracted Program, it must notify ¨S.I.¨ in writing. The date of cancellation will be understood as the date of receipt of the corresponding communication at the central offices of ¨S.I.¨. The contracting party will be entitled to a refund of the amounts that he had paid to ¨S.I.¨. However, the contracting party must pay ¨S.I.¨ the amount corresponding to the damages that have been caused, which are management expenses, and if any, cancellation costs. These penalties will not operate in the event that the cancellation, by the contracting party, is due to reasons of force majeure.
Notwithstanding the moment in which the cancellation occurs, the contracting party must assume, always and in any case, the amount of the plane ticket when it has been issued and its reimbursement is not possible, regardless of whether the contracting party exercises any shares incumbent on him against the issuing company.
Failure to show up or cancellation on the day of departure or abandonment of the program once in the destination country for reasons attributable to it (by their own will or that of their parents or guardians), the cancellation expenses will represent 100% of the total amount. of the course.
¨S.I.¨ undertakes to provide the contracting parties with all the contracted services contained in the Program, with the stipulated conditions and characteristics. However, the following considerations should be taken into account:
a. In the event that, before the start of the Program, ¨S.I.¨ is forced to significantly modify any essential element of the contract, including the price, it must immediately notify the contracting party.
The latter may choose to terminate the contract or accept a modification to it. In the latter case, ¨S.I.¨ will specify the modifications introduced and their impact on the price of the program. b. The contracting party must communicate the decision adopted as soon as possible, and, in any case, within three days after being notified of the modification of the program. In the event that the contracting party does not notify ¨S.I.¨ of its decision within three days, it will be understood that it opts for the resolution of the Program.
c. In the event that ¨S.I.¨ is forced to cancel any of its Programs for reasons not attributable to the contracting party, or in the event that the contracting party chooses to terminate the contract under the provisions of sections a) or b), ¨S.I.¨ will offer the contracting party an alternative Program of equal or superior quality, or else it will reimburse the contracting party for all amounts paid for the Program.
d. There will be no obligation on the part of ¨S.I.¨ to indemnify the contracting party when the cancellation of the Program is due to reasons of force majeure.
and. Neither will there be an obligation on the part of ¨S.I.¨ to indemnify the contracting parties in the event that the cancellation of the program occurs due to not reaching the minimum number of people required for the effective realization of the same, which has been communicated to the contracting party. In these cases, ¨S.I.¨ will notify the contracting party in writing, at least fifteen days before the start date of the program, that the minimum number of participants has not been reached and, therefore, the program has been canceled. In this case of cancellation of the program due to not reaching the minimum number of participants, the contracting party will be entitled to a refund of all the amounts that would have been paid for the program.
F. The differences and/or claims that, in the opinion of the contracting parties, arise during the development of the contracted Program, must be brought to the attention of the Organization responsible for the program in the country of destination, in order to offer a satisfactory solution immediately.
In the event that the solution proposed by the Organization responsible in the country of destination is not satisfactory to the contracting party, the contracting party will have a period of one month to submit a written claim to ¨S.I.¨ This, after obtaining the relevant documentation, would have, in turn, a period of one month to respond to the claim raised by the contracting party. If the solution proposed by ¨S.I.¨ is not satisfactory either, the contracting party may file the corresponding actions.
The contracting party must adapt to the way of life and customs of the country in which the contracted Program is developed. The rules of conduct in the countries of destination, the uses and customs, the meals, schedules, distances, and, in general, the lifestyle of the countries in which the various Programs are developed, are usually very different from the way of habitual life and customs in Spain, families can be single-parent or single-parent. In this sense, the contracting party must adapt to them.
The contracting party undertakes to respect the laws of the country of destination in which the Program is developed, as well as the Disciplinary Regulations of the various Organizations, Colleges, Centers, Schools, families, etc., that collaborate with ¨S.I.¨ in carrying out the Program . In particular, the contracting party undertakes to attend class, and to respect the prohibitions on possession and/or consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, etc. ¨S.I.¨ will deliver to the contracting party a copy of the Disciplinary Rules applicable to the Program.
In case of non-compliance by the contracting party with the laws of the country of destination in which the Program is developed, or non-compliance with the Disciplinary Rules of the various Organizations, Colleges, Centers, Universities, Schools, etc., the contracting party may be expelled of the program. In this case, you must assume the expenses originated by your early return to Spain, apart from any other responsibility due to the intent or negligence of the participant.
All contractors who contract the ¨S.I.¨ Programs must have their personal documentation in order (individual passport, DNI), in accordance with the regulations of the country where the contracted Program is developed. Obtaining visas, visas (i.e. ESTA...) or police permits, when the legislation of the country in which the Program is carried out requires it, will be borne by the contracting party.
In application of the provisions of "Instruction number 10/2019 of the Secretary of State that regulates the procedure for granting a travel permit outside the national territory for minors", minors under 18 years of age who travel outside the national territory and are not accompanied by their legal representatives (parents and/or guardians) will require, in addition to the ID or passport, a signed declaration of travel permission for minors. Said statement
It must be processed by the legal representatives of the minor before one of the following official bodies: National Police, Civil Guard, City Council, judge or notary.
In the event of being denied entry into the country for lack of the required requirements, or for lack of the required documentation, or for not being a carrier of the same, the contracting party will assume any expense that arises, applying in these circumstances the conditions and rules established for the cases of voluntary cancellation of services.
The contractors who contract the Language Programs, may enjoy, if they wish, multi-assistance insurance coverage, according to the conditions of the insurance policy subscribed by ¨S.I.¨ at the time of signing. A copy of the Insurance Policy will be attached to the Program documentation.
¨S.I.¨ acts as a mere intermediary between the insurance company and the contractors who contract any of our Programs. The contracting parties can carry another policy of their choice. In this case, they must inform ¨S.I.¨ of this circumstance.
The participant must inform ¨S.I.¨ if they are undergoing any medical and/or pharmacological treatment during their stay in the destination country and during the entire duration of the program. It is understood that at the time of starting the program, the participant enjoys perfect physical and mental health and that the medical information that accompanies the program registration dossier is true and complete.
Otherwise, ¨S.I.¨ is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the falsity of this information. Likewise, in the event that, during the development of the program, the participant needs medical treatment, and/or to be hospitalized and/or operated on without ¨S.I.¨ being able to locate their parents, guardians or legal representatives, ¨S.I.¨ is authorized to take the measures it deems most appropriate to preserve the health of the participant.
In the event that the contracting party requests the trip from ¨S.I.¨, the technical organization of the trips to the destinations in which the different programs are developed will be carried out by the Travel Agency that is authorized by ¨S.I.¨ at the time of the hiring.
In these cases, ¨S.I.¨ acts solely as an intermediary between the contracting party and the transport companies, therefore it is not responsible for delays, route alterations, accidents or loss of luggage.
The discounts are specified in the Particular Conditions. The discounts are NOT cumulative and will be made in the last payment.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46/CE (RGPD) is repealed, at the time of the collection of your data ¨S.I.¨ has provided you with basic information regarding your treatment. Attached (Annex 1) to these Conditions you can obtain additional information.
Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to limit the treatment, to delete your data and to request the portability of your data as explained in the additional information, by means of communication to the following email address: info@thefuturestarsinstitute.com.
The participant's data sent by himself or his legal representative will be treated under the responsibility of ¨S.I.¨ in order to manage his program abroad.
The legal basis for the treatment is contractual so that by signing the contract the participant or his legal representative expressly consents to the processing of his data, necessary for the effectiveness of the contracted program. Likewise, by signing the contract, you expressly consent to the transfer of the necessary data for the development of the Program to the collaborating companies or entities of ¨S.I.¨ in the country of destination. If you also provide us with your health data, you expressly consent to its processing and transfer to other entities that will host you in the country of destination, based on the proper contractual development of the Program and because it may be necessary to protect vital interests of the participant or of another physical person.
Based on the legitimate interest of ¨S.I.¨, the participant or his legal representative may receive publicity and/or commercial communications from ¨S.I.¨. At any time you may oppose the processing of your data for this purpose. You can consult additional and detailed information on Data Protection in our Privacy Policy at: www.thestarsinstitute.com
The validity of said contract will be from the date on which the signed contract of ¨S.I.¨ is delivered until the end of the Program.
Any conflict related to the programs will be resolved by the competent Jurisdictional Bodies according to the applicable legislation.
According to the contract granted between the parties, in each case, as well as those established for each program.
The contracting party has 14 calendar days to exercise the right of withdrawal. To do this, you must notify ¨S.I.¨ in writing within that period, and you will be entitled to a refund of all amounts that you would have paid for the Program, including the payment made as a place reservation. The form to exercise this right can be found attached to these general conditions or on our website.
The actions derived from the rights recognized in this contract will prescribe in the course of two years.
According to the contract granted between the parties, in each case, as well as those established for each program.
I admit that this contract is formalized and for this reason I declare myself aware that, as long as the COVID-19 situation may persist, it is possible that both the authorities of the country of departure and destination adopt decisions to contain the pandemic that affect the correct functioning of the services contracted through ¨S.I.¨, without for which no liability can be attributed.